Sun To Water Technologies is an atmospheric water generator firm that produces equipment used to supply potable drinking water for homeowners and businesses located in arid or water-distressed regions.
Sun To Water had a novel product idea that would meet an existing need in communities around the world. Our mission was to move the project from concept through to creation and beyond by establishing and stabilizing the engineering requirements and concept viability.
Our engineering team built a prototype platform that was rigourously tested to establish the key metrics required to design and scale the core concept of the system. This prototype would help us understand the key thermodynamic and architectural characteristics required to raise funding and build confidence in product viability.
We successfully established the pragmatic engineering parameters and assisted in communicating with investors to explain and demonstrate the technology. Through our hands-on product development approach, we generated 14 patents to protect the technologies that ultimately evolved into Sun to Water Technologies LLC. Today, Sun to Water’s atmospheric water generators are considered the most predictable and reliable water generators on the market.
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